

“Features of conspiracy theories and of conspiracists’ minds.” Upcoming PLM Workshop on Delusion in Language and Mind.

“Abductive conditionals as a test case for inferentialism.” MLC Seminar (March 2020). [slides]

“Explanatory considerations guide pursuit.” 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (July 2019). [slides]

“Abductive conditionals as a test case for Inferentialism.” London Reasoning Workhop (July 2019). [slides]

“Best, second-best and good enough explanations: How they matter to reasoning.” London Reasoning Workshop (July 2017), X-Phil UK (July 2017), Leuven-Paris Epistemology Workshop (January 2018). [slides]


“Explanatory virtues and belief in conspiracy theories”. 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (July 2019). [poster]

“Reasoning about abductive, inductive and deductive conditionals across development.” (with Zachary Horne). 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (July 2019). [poster]